About the Authors

Developed with support from the National Science Foundation, The Exploring Physics Curriculum  is an interactive curriculum that lets you carry a textbook, workbook and lab book on your iPad or laptop. The library of Exploring Physics eUnits addresses essential physics concepts including motion, forces, energy, electricity, and waves. The Exploring Physics curriculum is based on inquiry and modeling pedagogies, where students use hands-on labs to construct their own learning. A vast repertoire of links provides easily accessible background information – with attractive pictures, animations, simulations and examples.

The experienced authors, Meera Chandrasekhar and Dorina Kosztin, are award-winning physics professors who have been working with K-12 teachers and students for over two decades. The Exploring Physics Curriculum App and associated eUnits are a culmination of ten years of collaboration among the authors and a number of Missouri high school teachers. The eUnits are the digital version of the inquiry- and modeling-based curriculum that was written and tested during the A TIME for Physics First professional development programs (2006-15). The materials have been extensively tested in professional development programs and in 9th grade freshman physics classes.


Dr. Meera Chandrasekhar
Curators’ Teaching Professor of Physics, University of Missouri, Columbia MO, USA. Her many awards include the 1999 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring and the 2014 Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching awarded by Baylor University.

Dr. Dorina Kosztin (1962-2023)
Teaching Professor of Physics, University of Missouri, Columbia MO, USA. Her many awards include the William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence and the Presidential Award for Innovative Teaching.

The Exploring Physics Curriculum App and associated Exploring Physics eUnits are published by Exploring Physics, LLC. Accompanying lab materials are created by Chandra Publications LLC, Columbia MO. Both entities are dedicated to publishing quality educational materials in the sciences, particularly in physics, and in developing related hands-on materials.