What could possibly go wrong in calculating the slope of a graph? Check out how four students calculated slopes, and figure out whether they were right or wrong. The movie is posted on the Exploring P...
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Calculating the slope when you have linear data
Many experiments include the phrase "calculate the slope." What could possibly go wrong between drawing a graph and calculating the requisite slope? This movie describes a simple method for calculatin...
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Experimental Design
Do your students struggle with the process of Experimental Design? Do they interchange IVs and DVs, or are unsure of how to set up a data table? Here is a tutorial movie that explains the steps necess...
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Best Fit Curves
Do your students think that a straight line should fit all graphs? Ever seen a straight line drawn through position vs. time graphs for accelerating objects? Here is a tutorial movie that helps studen...
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Drawing Line Graphs and Best-Fit Lines
Ever shake your head at line graphs drawn by students? Or best-fit lines that don't really fit? Here is a tutorial movie that explains how to plot data for a line graph, and draw a pretty good best-fi...
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